Eating healthy means eating fresh and good food which does not affects your metabolism in a bad way and helps you keep yourself healthy. So here are 9 healthy foods for you.
9. Oatmeal
Oatmeals are very rich sources of Vitamin B. the rich fibers in them make the digestion process very easy.
Researches have shown that eating a bowl of oatmeal everyday can help with maintaining blood cholesterol levels.
8. Avocado
Avocados are nowadays seen as very healthy food. since it stabilizes your blood cholesterol levels and is very rich in vitamin B. Avocados are rich sources of fat, the fat in avocados is not dangerous for health, recent developments has shown that it can help in oral cancer and people are already using it for maintaining their diabetes levels.
7. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are reach source of fiber and carbohydrates. A sweet potato has eight times the amount of cancer fighting and immune boosting vitamin A. We can use their young leaves and roots to eat.
6. Leafy Green Vegetables
Leafy green vegetables like spinach and cabbage may lower the risk of developing diabetes type 2. Bright , vibrant looking spinach are great for eyes . It contains Vitamin A and C. Spinach is one of the most effective cancer fighting food . Uncooked spinach are great source of antioxidants.
5. Oily Fish
Oily fishes like salmon, trout, mackerel, herring have oil in their tissues .They high quantity of Omega 3 fatty acids . Oily fish contains Vitamin A and D. Eating Oily fish twice a week is good for your health and especially for your heart , blood and nervous system .
4. Broccoli
Broccoli is a fat free vegetable. It helps in digestion, the cardio vascular system and The immune system. Broccoli has an impressive nutritional profile. According to researches broccoli have numerous healthful benefits. This verdant vegetable is a powerhouse of a nutrients . Broccoli is high in fiber. It has Vitamin C, B6 , A and good amount of protein. It contains phytochemical which are good for immune system.
3. Almonds
Almond is very beneficiary food. Since long we are using the almonds as a healthy solution for constipation relief , respiratory disorder and cough relief. Almonds have their great medicinal value with good taste. Almonds are source of many nutrients which helps in development and health of human brain. It regulates blood pressure and helps to prevent colon cancer.
2. Lemon
Lemons are rich sources of vitamin C. Lemon juice contains 5% to 6% citric acid which gives a sour taste. As a medicine a lemon oil may be used in aroma therapy. Lemon plays a great part as a cleaning agent. Lemon juice can be used as a refreshing drink . We can use the lemon as a culinary and non- culinary purpose.Lemon oil can used as a nontoxic insecticide treatment.
1. Apples
An Apple comes first in our healthy food’s list. Apples are the great source of antioxidants and essential nutrients for good health. Apples are law in calorie. It shows good quantity of Vitamin C and Beta -carotene. Truly said about an apple “An apple a day keeps the doctor away“. Apples are also good source of tartaric acid that gives them a tart flavor. The fruit is a good source of vitamin B complex which helps in metabolism process. It has a great component like potassium which controls heart rate and blood pressure.